The Twisted Tale

The Twisted Tale
All love stories doesn’t have happy and sad epilogue some have twisted too.
Everything that is twisted, starts with something simple. Every game needs two  opponents to play  & the best one among them wins, the game eventually be more harder to play when other player opposite to you turn out to be your friend. Even my story was something same.

Many say that love is the induction for people’s success and failure, the one who wins in this game of emotions create history and one who fails to win becomes history. Love itself is twisted which make people to grin and snivel. It’s a story of two boys who fell in love with same girl and the sequel of this twisted love story was very different which turned both life into a whole new direction.

A coin has two faces, a heads a & a tale those two different faces of coin hold its own value individually. When the coin is in the air no one knows that whether head’s will face up or the tail’s but still the hopes on the people’s faces remain same until they come to know that one’s prediction was correct. Many thinks that life is also like predicting coins, the correct you croak  you succeed and wrong  guess you fail. Success and failure is also just like a coin which holds its own importance, the one who understand this simple concept is ultimate winner of his battle.

A friend is a very special and the abutting person in the life whom we can share the most important things in life and take support anytime but it become more difficult to face that same close friend standing as an opponent to you. It all started when me and Vicky were college friends, he wasn’t male model  but he should have been. He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw. He possessed a leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority, and quite opposite of him I was a very simple and quite person with ordinary looks.

Sri chaitanya college was no better, or worse, than me and Vicky had expected. Like all other private colleges and buildings across the country, the plain and uneven white walls carried pictures of the mahatma and cv. Raman. The college was sparsely furnished with outdated classrooms to accommodate the students. It was our first day in college, when we walked in , at 8:30am in the morning to the administration department to collect our ID card’s.

We got introduced to all classmates. I remember seeing all new faces for the first time; they all had a verve in them that radiated life, fun and energy around. Soon we all mingled with everyone just like a family away from family, but I never dared to interact with girls much and that’s the reason I didn’t had many female friend, but  In the course of some few months, I fell in love. It was the love of the batch 2014-15. I saw her for the first time in the college elections . It was bit like school elections, but on a bigger scale. A notice was put up announcing the elections dates and inviting nomination for the posts.

Vicky shot into the classroom like a rocket from his hostel and said ”Did you all noticed?”.

Yeah, said Nikhil. We saw it yesterday.

And there is another news said Vicky.” And what?” I asked, “Are you contesting?” I exclaimed.

“No you, idiot, you are”.

I was stunned. Then I recovered. What? How can I contest? “what post” I asked curiously.
We have already filled up the form and given your name for college secretary, he said. No bro you should  ask me first I’m not interested in these all. Don’t worry, Vicky assured me. We will do all the campaigning for you. Hey Nikhil  who is my opponent buddy, Reyana our classmate he said. Her name bought a secret smile on my face, smile of love and affection.

 She was the girl of my dream, her innocent eyes had the spark of confidence. A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph’s ears and  pixie’s nose any better when she broke into a smile, her beguiling, oyster-white teeth lit up the room.  It could jolt you like an electric current when that megawatt smile gave you her full attention. To me she was the epitome of a ‘perfect women’. She looked gorgeous with perfectly chiseled aquiline features, a clear complexion, a fashionable haircut and a wonderful diction to match.

I was entirely out of my mind when I saw for the first time standing near to me during the campaign, it was just like dream coming true to me. Being busy in the election work I didn’t even know when we became good friends, and this made us to come closer, I was really on cloud nine. Now I loose or win will not alter me because I already won a little place in her heart, elections even completed now all were fervently  waiting for the results. After 2-weeks of gap even results affirmed  and I won the elections surprisingly, my friends screamed in joy and lifted me up running all around the campus. Reyana was little sad for herself but she didn’t expressed it out, I could read it by looking into her eyes. She came up near me with a smiling face and congratulated for the victory and walked away silently.

Next day I went near her and asked for coffee she accepted my invitation, we walked toward our college canteen for coffee, taking the first sip of coffee I broke the silence among us.

Hey!! Reyana I can sense the reason behind your silence. Its ok chill

Hmm! She replied

It’s nothing about winning or loosing, I know you are the best and you possess good skills even.

Hey it’s absolutely ok I’m not sad now anymore, and stupid you are actually a deserving candidate for this post. I’m really happy for you she said it by pulling my cheeks. In these little span of time it just felt like I’m living my dream, it was all unexpected to me, but Life always have something twisted twists for everyone and this time it was for me.

 I was about to express my feelings, then I got to know that my friend Vicky even loves her a lot. I was completely shocked to hear this from Nikhil, are you out of your mind Nikhil what are you talking seriously, Vicky even loves her?. Yes my friend he do, Nikhil replied, I didn’t know how to react to this I was completely dumbstruck .

 I went near Vicky and asked him do he likes reyana  and he replied with yes, brother a lot, then why didn’t you tell me this before.

“Hey! Chill brother”, I thought once reyana accepts me than I will tell you, but stop for a while how do you know about this I never told you about this.

 Nikhil said me I replied.

You said him but why, I mean I thought to tell him by myself buddy.

Just a second Vicky before you ask Nikhil or he say something to you, I want to tell you something.

Its ok but what happened? What’s the matter?

Well I don’t know how to tell you but even I love reyana .

What? what are you talking, are you serious. Don’t joke ok.

No I really do .

But you never said about this to me,  vicky  questioned. Because I thought the same of telling you once she accept me. I know vicky had millions of questions in his mind.

we were even helpless to each other because both of us were in the same problem and the solution was only for one. Who will sacrifice this time, probably no one will, because this time it’s about love. We two good friend who stood by side of each other is now standing opposite to each other. Our intermediate life even came to an end and finals were approaching. No idea what to do, should we fight for a girl? Shall I sacrifice for him or will he sacrifice for me? Many questions were running in both minds.
                                                    So finally me and vicky  came to a conclusion that we both will try ourselves  to impress her honestly and to whom she will accept will be the ultimate winner of this game. She was good to both of us, even we were confused that she loves me or vicky?

Next  day I was heading towards canteen to have my breakfast, hey ayan stop, a sound approached me I turned back it was she asking me to stop for me. Hey! Good morning ayan, can I join you to the canteen she asked, yea of-course come.

“I want to share something to you”, its really important.

Yea, feel free to share say what’s the matter?

Actually, vicky proposed me yesterday.

What? I asked, I mean when, how, where? What was your answer? Did you accept?

Yesterday when we were having lunch together, no I didn’t said anything I mean I don’t know what to say, I’m confused weather to say yes or no.

Do you even like him? I questioned

I don’t know but probably he is the best guy, I mean he is really good looking and humble person, I love his nature. Should I accept him or should I wait.

I understood that even she likes him and I don’t want to create a bad impact of him near her because he was my first priority than her, I was happy for them but still I didn’t give up because she still didn’t accepted him, that means I still have a chance.
                                             she was little weak in science and I was good in science, as exams were only a month away she called me to help her with her studies, but after knowing her feelings towards him I never tend to impress her in any.
                                           Within few days she came closed to me more than vicky, one day while solving a physics problem she said, Ayan can I ask you something, if you don’t mind.

“ Yep say me”, y did you lied to me.

“Me”, when did I lied to you reyana?

Don’t you love me? You do right, than y did you never expressed it?

Who said you that I like you?

 Don’t act smart I know you do and by the way Nikhil said me.

Oh! Trying to cut the topic its nothing like that I replied.
 Even you are not bad,  hmmm!!  I like your simplicity  dude actually I’m in love with it. She left me amazed, that how could she like both of us, what is actually going in her mind. She was always close with him when I was not around and sometimes with me in absence of him. Was she playing a double side game with me and vicky, I was confused, something is fishy I felt, but Our final term exam started everyone we all were now in busy with their exams.
                                                    After the exams we both opponents were emotionally broken into pieces, tears started rolling down the eyes of us when we heard that we were only friends for benefit to her and nothing much. I still couldn’t believe myself that two best friends were standing opposite to each other just only for a girl who even didn’t cared about our love, care. This news twisted our lives upside down, but still we both were the winners because we realized that.

“Success and failure is also just like a coin which holds its own importance, the one who understand this simple concept is automatically a winner of his battle”

We didn’t win in the battle of love, but we both friends won each other’s trust and loyalty, and the looser of this love story was reyana because

           “ Because we lost a girl who didn’t loved us, but she lost someone who really loved her”

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